You are cordially invited to attend a meeting to hear about the Ecosal-Atlantis Project and to meet others in the Cumbria, N Ireland and Scotland areas who have an interest in traditional salt making and the culture of salt.
To be held on
Monday 1st July
Solway Coast Discovery Centre
Liddell Street
Cumbria CA7 4DD
Cumbria CA7 4DD
2pm to 4pm
Please pass this information on to anyone you think might benefit from hearing about the proposed UK Salt Network.
RSVP to Andrew Fielding
For more information call 07749765203
A team from Bournemouth University have been working with partners in Portugal, Spain and France for the last 3 years to prepare background information to inform a salt network and to establish an Atlantic Route of Traditional Salt Making.
The team have been meeting with people along the UK's Atlantic coast and gathering archaeological and historical data about where salt has been made along the coastline. Our EU partners aim to support the traditional practices of salinas, whilst our UK route is focused more on archaeology, historical sites, food, ceramics and cultural activities based on salt which can add to local, regional and national tourism and sustainable tourism and economic development. To do this we intend to create a Community Interest Company to act as a co-ordinating body to promote these aims on behalf of the wider salt heritage community across the UK and develop the Traditional Salt Route of the Atlantic Coast.
The 16 page leaflet describing the UK Salt network can be found on the Ecosal web site.
I look forward to meeting you at the Solway Coast AONB Discovery Centre on Monday 1st July and describing the project and the exciting future for salt heritage. Further local group meetings will be arranged specifically for Scotland and N Ireland as the project develops.
Andrew Fielding
A&A Fielding Ltd
30 May - Cheshire, Merseyside and Lancashire cluster - Middlewich Town Hall, Cheshire
11 June - SW cluster - Helston Museum, Cornwall
14 June - Southern cluster - Bournemouth University, Dorset
1 July - Cumbria, N Ireland and Scotland - Solway Coast AONB Discovery centre, Silloth, Cumbria
TBC - Wales - Anglesey Sea Salt Company, Brynsciencyn, Anglesey
TBC - The East Coast - Heritage Lincolnshire, Heckington, Lincs