Sunday 4 April 2010

'Marconi's Cottage' and Some PR History

Updated 8 April 2010

Where are the guardians of our natural and built heritage?

Now that's a piece of PR history .. Navigator Blue

Some other history from Moyle Council minutes re. planning application for a new dwelling at 40 Carrickmore Road, Ballycastle:

Ms McMath stated that this application was recommended for refusal due to the application being contrary to Policy CTY1 no justification for the replacement of this vernacular building and 5 of PPS14, no justification for the replacement of the building, worthy of retention and unacceptable visual impact. .. 31 March 2008

Ms McMath stated that there were no objections to the above eight applications, they were recommended for approval .. 22 December 2008

What led to the Planning Service's strong objections being swept away? Why did Moyle Council not query this unusual state of affairs?