On Thursday 15 May 2008 at 2.30pm Portballintrae will show its support for all people in the village against violence. We will announce the formation of CARA: Community Against Racist Attack at the Beach Road site.
The Mayor of Coleraine, elected members of Council and other distinguished guests will be on hand for this press event.
Please come out and show the world that we will not allow these attacks in Portballintrae.
There have been a series of attacks on the homes, cars and businesses of newcomers to Bushmills and district during the past year or so. Let's hope that the authorities, public representatives and neighbours can, in their different ways, help to bring such attacks to a speedy end and that everyone can enjoy a measure of peace and prosperity together, not apart.
Many people in Portballintrae were disgusted by the incident at the weekend when two cars belonging to a Bulgarian family were set alight and lives were put at risk.
This is not the first racist attack in the village and we feel that a united effort must be made to show that this community does not condone such behaviour.