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It seems the Minister for Health may be able eventually to
save £5 per person per week by removing the rewards given to some of those with a learning disability who attend day centres.
The money is a ‘reward’ for carrying out small tasks around the centres, not wages for the work done. However, the removal of the reward may well have a dispiriting effect on those who receive it.
Just imagine. "Look what I got today, Mum," says Joanne, as she waves the shiny £5 note in the air. "What did you get that for?" says Mum, as she basks in the beam of her daughter's delight. "Polished the seats in the minibus and did other stuff," says Joanne.
Joanne, her family and friends had recently raised £100 so that she could go with her mates in the day centre for one of their annual trips.
So what was Mum to say to Joanne when the 'rewards' note arrived from the day centre? "It's not your fault," said Mum, thinking that Joanne would feel she had done something wrong.
Surely, Minister, there must be other ways of dealing with the issue than causing day centre folks to feel guilty. I hope you can put a smile back on Joanne's face.