Has CMAL leased the MV Canna to the new operator yet or are there still some outstanding matters to be resolved?
What is the name of the replacement ferry for the MV True Light? Why has the latter been removed from the contract? Is the Maritime and Coastguard Agency satisfied that with the arrangements that are to be put in place in a few days time on July 1?

Eamon O Cuiv and the Cape Clear ferry controversy(pdf file) - Rathlin is part of the 33 member Irish Islands Federation.
As this process has involved several ministerial departments presumably the full Executive, under the terms of the Ministerial Code, will have given the project its full blessing.
*Apparently the new Rathlin-Ballycastle interconnector is being officially switched on at 1pm tomorrow, according to my source in McCuaig's Bar. Could it coincide with another event? ;)

Jim Allister MEP: Freeze Rathlin ferry handover
Did I just say second correction? The replacement for the troubled MV True Light has been added to the muddled website; it's the MV Ossian of Staffa from Iona. There has been a direct substitution of name on the timetable and a failure to note that this is a, er, slower boat. It does 14 knots and carries 65 passengers but these may be reduced for the Category D(?) waters of Rathlin Sound. Conor Murphy's anticipated 20 minute crossing will now be a more leisurely 30 minute plus.
The blunder is unlikely to have been made by Mr O'Driscoll as he was spotted on Cape Clear today by one of the 'hostile' natives. Perhaps he was explaining to his guests the trials and tribulations of ferry ownership. Might these guests have been there to sort out a little problem of a lapsed certificate for the recently impounded Naomh Ciaran 2 or could they be linked to tomorrow's special event on Rathlin Island. No doubt all will become clear - eventually.

The documents creating great interest are: Schedule A, Schedule B and Schedule C.
Discussion on Slugger O'Toole - search word 'rathlin'.
Murphy's Law: "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way"
Just keep on digging - the photos