Saturday 24 August 2024

"The Big Night in Toberkeigh"

 "The Big Night in Toberkeigh"

A varied programme there will be

On this great night in Toberkeigh

In speech and song, by young and old

The heartfelt welcome will be told

Those words upon your tickets plain

The reason why you came explain

In car, on bikes, from far and near

You've come in hundreds to be here

The Church is packed from door to door

Until the pews will hold no more

A pity, friends, you can't all stay

To pack it out each Sabbath Day!

Now, Mr. Thompson*, this great band

Comes from each corner of our land

Some husbands left their wives so dear

And others slipped out when the coast was clear

They've come from Whitepark's golden strand

From Ballinlea with its great pipe band

From Mosside, too, with its lights so bright

That the people can't sleep in their beds at night

They've  left their hens in their litter deep

They've left the sow and the pigs asleep

They've left the cow with the crumpled horn

There's some of us won't be home till morn

Then, Mr. Thompson, need I say

That I'm glad to see you here today

And others, Sir, will follow suit

To welcome you into the Route

But perhaps before I leave and go

I'll mention what you ought to know

Now some advice I'd like to give

About this place where you're going to live

Your health card give to Dr. McVicker

There's none will make you better quicker

His bottles are such lovely colours

His pills far stronger than any others

We're glad that you've bespoke a wife

For bachelors live a lonely life

And soon you'll say of Toberkeigh

"'Tis the wife who runs this house, not me!"

Then Duncan Gault will keep you right

He'll see the fire and lamps are bright

Alex. Stewart will provide the money

You're wife'll say, "Hand it over, honey!"

The Session Clerk's McConaghie

A decent man as you can see

I'll not name all the rest, but, oagh!

There's Henry McIntyre frae Croagh

The Secretary's our friend John Moore

He was lifting tickets at the door

His job upon Committee night

To keep the minutes he must write

The choir they sing both loud and clear

Miss Huey trains them, so we hear

I'm sure with me you will agree

They are a handsome lot to see

Now I will close this simple ditty

For it is longer than it's witty

And find a seat upon the floor

To listen and to say no more.

John C. Faulkner**

* Rev Cowan Gamble Thompson was installed on the 10th November 1953

** Rev Faulkner was the Croaghmore minister

Thursday 1 June 2023

Miss Eliza Benning (abt 1811-1888) of Magheradonnell in Knockanboy, Dervock

 Just recently I noted the name of Miss Benning as a neighbour in an old Lyle farm map. I've discovered that she was the daughter of Captain Conway Benning and granddaughter of the Rev Conway Benning, rector in Glenavy Parish Church. Her father was an officer in the 66th Foot regiment and he perished in the Battle of Albuera in 1811 during the course of the Peninsular War.

I Eliza Benning of Magheradonnell in the Parish of Derrykeighan and County of Antrim do this Twenty eighth day of June in the year 1876 (six) make this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills and Testaments at any time heretofore made by me. I leave and bequeath to Mrs Jane Field (alias Wilson) of Knockanboy my Zebra Wood Work Table. I leave and bequeath to Allen E Douglas Esquire Medical Doctor of Warrenpoint in the County of Down all my Framed pictures and all my Drawing Materials and all things connected with Drawing which I possess absolutely also my old gold watch, Gold Medal and Clasp and miniature of my Father in Gold and I direct that at the death of the said Allen E Douglas the said old gold watch shall be given to some museum previously named by him together with an historical account of it. To Mrs Grace Brooke (alias Ledlie) I leave and bequeath my small gold brooch containing the hair of my dear friend Miss Annie Stuart also my two Indian broochs which she be so disposed she may give to any of her daughters she may select for the gift. To Marcus Allen Esquire Surgeon in the Royal Navy I leave Stackhouse's History of the Bible which History belonged to his Greatgrand Father Benning also my Grandmother's likeness in Gold Ring taken previous to her marriage. Also six silver Tea Spoons, Six Desert ditto one pair of Sugar Tongs, Two Salt Spoons with my grandfather's crest. Two Table Spoons, Six large Forks,Six Small ditto (not silver) an old fashioned Cross for Centre of Table a pair of Telescope Candle Sticks with silver edges and a large Mahogany Chest with handsome brass Mounting which came from the State of Vermont (Capital Bennington) America. I leave and bequeath to Miss Millicent Douglas of Rostrevor County Down my Aunt Higginbotham's Writing Desk also Jane Martin's Work Table which once belonged to Anne Martin (alias Higginbotham) was the first Rosewood worked in Dublin and originally cost Forty Guineas. To the wife of the aforesaid Allen E Douglas I leave my Cameo Brooch. To Miss Ellen D Allen and Miss Amelia Allen of Lisconnan I leave any of my clothes which they may wish to have. To Messrs William Johns and Alexander Johns of Carrickfergus I leave all my Books in remembrance of their dear Father and Mother's Kindness to me. I leave and bequeath to Richard Maginnis Douglas Esquire of Portballintrae my Hall Clock which formerly belonged to the old family of Lyle of Knockanboy. I direct that the Tenant right of my farm in the Townland of Magheradonnell shall be realized in such manner as to my executors shall be considered best and the proceeds thereof as also whatever other monies I may die seized possessed of or entitled to after the payment of my just debts and Funeral expenses I leave and bequeath to the aforesaid Allen E Douglas Medical Doctor of Warrenpoint County Down whom I appoint residuary Legatee. Having received permission to be buried in the vault of the Stuart family in Derrykeighan Grave Yard I direct that I shall be buried there. And I hereby appoint Alexander Johns Esquire of Carrickfergus and the aforesaid Allen E Douglas Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I hereontu attach my hand and seal the day and year herein before mentioned.

E Benning (seal)

Signed and sealed in presence of us who in the presence of Testratrix and of each other and being both present together attach our signatures as subscribing witnesses thereto the words "in such manner" being inserted in first line of third page ___ Alexander Field __ Mary Robinson.

Saturday 16 July 2022

Quay Road, Ballycastle

 A old postcard of Quay Road, Ballycastle

and the demolition of part of a terrace following a fire

The terrace has now been replaced by modern apartments.

Thursday 16 June 2022

Where There's A Will ..

The contents of wills can shed some fascinating social insights. This North Antrim farmer didn't mince his words: 

If any relatives or friends of mine should turn up at any time I leave to each of them the sum of one shilling. I do this because no relative or friend of mine ever did any any act of work or kindness for me so that I prefer my house-keeper and servant man because they worked long and faithfully for me. 

He left the farm to his servant man and, apart from a few small legacies, the remainder of his estate was shared between his two faithful servants. 

 A brother of one of my Donegal ancestral relatives had this advice/direction for his wife: 

I leave and bequeath to my dear wife all that I have and possess having full confidence in her that she will do all she can for the benefit of each of our dear children I order my children to obey her and be kind to her and if any of the children should be disobedient or stubborn I order her to give such an one an outfit and pay his passage to a foreign country

An uncle and another brother of the same ancestral relative left her substantial sums of money for the late nineteenth century in their wills. The uncle included this limitation: 

.. and to my niece [name] two hundred and fifty pounds, to her sole and separate use, free from her husband's control. 

Perhaps the uncle didn't approve of my ancestor's second husband. I descend from her first husband.